949 Orangeburg Rd Suite C, Summerville, SC 29483

Chiropractic Care

At Swain Family Chiropractic in Summerville, SC, our team of chiropractic professionals apply a range of techniques to provide service to our patients. Whether you have seen a Chiropractor before for a spinal adjustment or you have never seen a chiropractic professional before, we can show you the useful benefits of chiropractic care and explain who might need to have this type of treatment. Some people come to our office for spinal decompression or pain relief while others might seek nutritional counseling. As chiropractors, we are here to work for you and with you to determine what techniques might address your symptoms best as we work on improving your quality of life.


What Is Chiropractic Care?

Chiropractic care is centered on the idea that the body has the capacity to heal itself. Although some other disciplines attempt to work in spite of the body, we work with the body’s limits and potential for pain relief so that our patients can live healthier. To see a chiropractor, you do not need to have something “wrong” with you. Even if you feel that you are healthy, seeing a chiropractic professional can help you feel better than your best.

What Do Chiropractors Do?

When you think of a chiropractor, you might think of a medical professional performing a spine adjustment, deep tissue laser or spinal decompression. The reality is that chiropractors do a lot of different things to help our patients feel their best. 

Depending on our patients’ symptoms, we may use different methods and techniques to help them. Some patients come to our office because they have debilitating headaches. For headaches, we can use spinal manipulation, deep tissue laser,  nutrition counseling, and more to target the root of the problem. We can also work with people to develop exercise routines that reduce stress and increase mobility to make their headaches less intense.

Chiropractors provide care to their community, some even by hosting workshops to inform about the importance of chiropractic care from a public health perspective. Other chiropractic professionals also teach or mentor those who are new to the field so that we can all provide an elevated level of professionalism to our practice. In everything, we aim to help our patients.

To schedule an appointment, call our office at Swain Family Chiropractic in Summerville, SC!

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